Primetake Header - Police with Gun, Soldier with Gun, & Female Police Officer

Method of Entry

Primetake Distraction Devices

Distraction Devices

Primetake Distraction Devices

Door Breaching

Primetake Distraction Devices

Powder Irritant (CS)

Primetake Distraction Devices


Primetake Distraction Devices

Training T-Blank

Primetake Ceremonial Saluting Cartridges

Fast & Effective Tactical Entry

Our modern method of entry (MOE) products offer unparalleled versatility and effectiveness, acting as essential tools for tactical teams by offering rapid and safe access in critical situations. The latest method of entry suite covers 12 gauge shotgun Door Breaching Rounds, 12 Gauge shotgun Powder Irritant CS, 12 Gauge shotgun Anti-Material Rounds, 12 Gauge shotgun Training T-Blank Rounds, and Distraction Devices (also known as Flash Bangs). We also offer most of the MOE range as 12-gauge submersible ammunition for shotguns, that use a special sealant and are enclosed within a single metallic case, meaning that they are entirely waterproof and can be fully submerged in seawater, river, or lake water down to 30m with no impact on their function at the surface.

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