Sniper Symposium 2016 Round-Up

Primetake have returned from the Sniper Symposium event having seen a host of police and military organisations both UK and international. Primetake demonstrated the full range of Omega™ Sniper Ammunition, allowing attendees to try the match grade rounds for themselves.

Proving particularly interesting to the police organisations in attendance, Primetake’s demonstration of the Special Purpose 2 (Glass) Barrier Defeating round showed the supreme accuracy and effect the round delivers.

The live fire demonstration initiated collaboration between Barrett and Primetake; with an impressive operational display of Primetake .50 Cal Tracer and .50 Cal API ‘rapid’ fire into an armoured target, through Barrett’s weapon system.


Overall the event was positive for Primetake, providing many opportunities to discuss operational, user focused challenges and requirements. We will move forwards and utilise this feedback to enhance and adapt our product range and inspire future developments.

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