Gas Flare Ignition Cartridges
Innovation in Pyrotechnics
Working in partnership with GBA Flare Systems, Primetake’s technical team has developed an innovative pyrotechnic-based primary ignition system for oil, gas, and petrochemical applications. These systems have been implemented to great effect globally, with a particularly high concentration of systems in place on oil drilling rigs within the North Sea.
Leading Flare Ignition Technology
Primetake’s 12 gauge and rocket propelled flare ignition technologies have been specifically designed for use in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.
Cold Flaring
Cold Flaring approaches recover and recycle flare gas, reducing emissions exponentially in comparison to continuously burning gas pilots. As the oil, gas, and petrochemical industry makes further advancements towards environmentally conscious ‘Zero Flaring’ targets, increasingly opting for cold flaring agendas, Primetake’s Starburst gas flare ignition cartridges proudly represent the next step in developments within the field.
The StarBurst gas flare ignition cartridge mitigates the multiple risks presented by firearms methods, lessens the negative environmental impact of traditional continuously burning gas pilots, and offers increased consistency and reliability with minimal staff training. Our rocket-propelled technologies utilise narrow pipes to deliver the cartridge to the flare tip, showering the nozzle with reliable and highly effective pyrotechnic particles.