With recent incidents involving drones at several major airports around the UK , Primetake received calls from police forces and airports asking for information on the DB-5, Primetake’s counter drone munition. In order to best demonstrate the DB-5 capabilities, Primetake offered to host a live fire demonstration day for any and all interested.

Police forces and Airports from around the UK were invited to the live fire event on the Primetake range on Thursday 17th January. Despite the cold weather, over 30 attendees made the journey. The morning started with a brief presentation about the technical capabilities of the round before heading out onto the range for the main event.

Using drones and training aids, Primetake’s technical team then gave attendees an in depth demonstration of the DB-5’s capabilities, including engagement at range, semi automatic cycling and training solutions, before closing with a question and answer session.

For more information on the DB-5 or to enquire about Primetake’s next demonstration day email Sales@staging.primetake.com

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